Creating a Castle from Content Building Blocks
Trying to consider all of these elements whenever you create a new piece of content may seem daunting, but it really isn't. Your resources will dictate some choices, your audience some others. As you get used to making content decisions in this way, it builds a repeatable system that's efficient, and results in content that has both variety and consistency. The variety will keep your customers engaged and extend your reach, while the consistency will create a predictability which your customers will appreciate and learn to recognize. This reinforces your brand. You'll see patterns develop, and you'll learn that certain building blocks go together well and get good responses from your customer, and that other ones just don't.
- Engage
- Inform
- Educate
- Advise
- Persuade
- Inspire
For instance, is your content essentially:
- An opinion
- An analysis
- A description
- An overview
- A how-to
- News
- A story
- Tips & tricks
- Wayfinding
Where does, or should, the content come from?
- A dedicated content team
- Marketing
- Key contributors within your company
- Your executives
- Your subject matter experts
- Your staff
- Your customers
- The public
The voice of your content should be distinct and recognizable. Even an overall corporate voice is made up of a tapestry of individual voices. So, is a specific piece of content best served by the voice of:
- A specific individual
- The "company" voice, and if so does the tone vary based on purpose or different customer segments?
- Your customers
- The public
These are completely driven by your business, but you'll likely have different topics that you frequently speak about relating to your areas of expertise, your customers needs and motivations, and your community actions or involvement.
- Blog
- Video
- Webinar
- Article
- Image
- Diagram
- Interactive tool
- Checklist
- Interview
- Call-to-action
- Presentation
- Newsletter
Where is this content best published and presented? It could be:
- On your website. If so, where on your website?
- Your blog
- On YouTube, Facebook, or other social networking platform
- External to your company
What's the best way or ways to promote your content? Through:
- Website links
- Presentations